Organizations in Cooperation


Integrated Business Institute (IBI) is a scientific research and consulting organization, in the area of economic and organizational sciences.

The focus of IBI is the application of market principles in creating young, dynamic and highly educated workforce throughout the process of scientific research and education.

IBI is organized primarily as an educational institutions, but serves as a consulting organization as well, working with domestic and foreign companies, institutions and agencies. The scientific approach is based on several activities undertaken at IBI:

Undergraduate programs are based on the integrated, multidimensional approach for curricula development and implementation of interactive teaching methods. Learning by doing, internships, students’ international exchange program etc. provide unique and valuable profile of future managers in: marketing, finance, banking, corporate finance, sustainable development and regional and local economic development.

- Research in the fields of economic, organizational and management sciences

- Offering post-graduate education in the fields of economic, organizational and management sciences, both on master and doctoral level

- Developing educational and research models of lifelong learning and research, as well as distance learning

- Developing Natural Standards

- Publishing activity

- Consulting and advisory role in the fields of economic, organizational and management sciences

- Collaborating with international institutions in the afore mentioned fields

Research in the fields of economic, organizational and management sciences

IBI’s researches are based on multidisciplinary approach, in accordance with the changes and development of economic, political and social environment. This approach enables IBI’s research activities to be related to all relevant social, technological, organizational, institutional and cultural aspects of modern society. IBI applies methodologies which are internationally recognized and accepted in the economic environment. Applied methodologies enable comparative analyses on both national and international level. Research activities IBI is undertaking are focused on the following areas:

- Research and promotion of sustainable economic development

- Research and development of international economic relations

- Research and development of the industry, agro economy and forestry in NorthMacedonia

- Research and development of service sector in North Macedonia

- Economics of investments

- Research and construction of organizational structures of companies and institutions and improvement of their capacities

- Defining and managing via economic policies

- Management and sustainable development on micro level

- Deregulation of the economy and entrepreneurship development

- Support of the private sector and development of SMEs

- Support, enhancement and improvement of partnerships between private and public sector

- Reforms in the financial and banking sector in North Macedonia

- Development of human resources in North Macedonia

- Macroeconomic analyses and forecasts

- Research in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable sources of energy

- Research and development of information systems,

Post-graduate education in the fields of economic, organizational and management sciences

IBI offers post-graduate education in several economic and managerial areas. IBI’s accredited program of post-graduate master studies consists of the following economic areas:

- Financial management

- Business economy

- Environmental economy – sustainable development

- Banking

Additionally, IBI will be offering programs for post-graduate doctoral studies in the area of sustainable development.